golden preserved

preserved flowers, forever pieces

asheville, north carolina

hold on to the beauty of your blooms with custom artwork

Think about a flower that reminds you of someone, a flower you can describe the smell of, a flower that comes in all sorts of colors and varieties. Think about how many different types of roses there are! Over 150 just in the wild.

Think about the first time you received flowers. The ones you hope to walk down the aisle with.

Preserve your cherished memories with Golden Preserved. Whether you're looking to immortalize your bridal bouquet, honor a loved one with memorial flowers, or commemorate a special event, I specialize in creating custom floating shadow boxes and resin home decor to admire your flowers long after they’ve blossomed.

Based in Western North Carolina, I offer local drop-off and shipping services to ensure your precious flowers are transformed into timeless pieces no matter where the flowers bloomed. Capture the essence of your most treasured flowers with custom artwork.

The bloom is just the beginning.

behind the preserved flowers

Hi! I’m Tia Lorraine and I preserve flowers in Asheville, North Carolina!

In my 20s, I dropped off wedding cakes, set out the arrangements, served hors d'oeuvres, cleaned up glasses to Whitney Houston, and trashed all the leftovers. I admired the forgotten flowers for years and always ended my shift with a few stems in hand.

When I turned 30, I transitioned out of the wedding industry into teaching. It broke me and the dried flowers I had collected over the years were the only thing that kept me alive. I rearranged them, creating art with frames and wreaths, and thought about what my life would be like if I could save a few stems for other people.

I completely immersed myself in flower preservation and decided to take a risk. In June of 2022, I left teaching, and all the seeds I planted sprouted into Golden Preserved. This business has saved me just as many times as I have saved flowers. It continues to blossom as I grow my skills, style, and Golden Preserved.

let’s be friends