tia lorraine tia lorraine

preserved flowers

Curious about what flowers preserve well? Hint, it’s not all of them.

It’s been a minute, but I’m not here to ramble or update. I just want a space to post my cute little canva flyers that will help guide any potential clients on what flowers preserve best.

If you click the link above, you’ll be redirected to a two-page document that lists out my favorite flowers to preserve and what you can expect from preserved flowers. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me: hello@goldenpreserved.com

Also, when you are considering preserving your bouquet, tell your florist as they can help guide you as well.

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tia lorraine tia lorraine

april showers, may flowers

New beginnings with Golden Preserved.

Hiii hello friends of flowers! Since our last chat, my husband and I bought a house. Yeah, I know. Crazy. A lil small business owner and a therapist now have a ranch-style, two-level home that sits atop a lil hill near the Pigeon River. It was always the plan to invest and not watch our lives whither away renting in Asheville, NC. We are very lucky to be able to do this with the help of my business investors, our dads, and my EXCELLENT Zillow skills in finding this literal gem. We’re only like 20min outside of town.

Golden Preserved really needed the upgrade, too. I have all of these ideas and hopes for our new home, but I know I need to settle down and be realistic. I need to work on the house in the ebb of the flow of flower preservation. So, see you in July half bath. And the kitchen, the big bath, and the downstairs bath. Imagine just a very 90s home. We love it and we’ll nurture it and upgrade it and grow here.

Golden Preserved currently has a designated resin room! This way I can do a pour and then head to my office or the main studio to continue working without having to keep my mask on or getting a migraine and risking my lungs. I can just shut those toxic fumes away. Oh, did you not know that? RESIN IS TOXIC. It releases fumes, it can overheat and smoke and burn, it can never cure and be sticky, it can irritate your skin. Here, an actual statement from a health department: The main effects of overexposure are irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, and skin, skin allergies, and asthma. The solvent additives can cause other effects such as headaches, dizziness, and confusion.

There, now you’ve learned something from me. So when you hear someone complain about flower preservation or how much it costs or how easy it looks, you can say, ACTUALLY…

I got off on a tangent. Whatever.

Stick around, learn more, follow on the ‘gram, and save the bouquet!

Necessary SEOs for the google gods:

preserved flowers

flower preservation

asheville bouquet preservation

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tia lorraine tia lorraine

blog, part two.

I’ll let my WordPress fizzle out into the internet abyss, just like my LiveJournal and Photobucket. Welcome to the new blog, where I ramble a little bit and then post SEOs :)

Maybe eventually I’ll talk about the topics below or maybe it will forever be a ramble and chat gpt update on the keywords that can help websites and businesses in the flower preservation industry optimize their content for search engines and attract potential customers looking for these services.

Flower preservation services

  • Bouquet preservation techniques

  • Memorial flower preservation

  • Preserve funeral flowers

  • How to preserve wedding bouquet

  • DIY flower preservation tips

  • Flower drying methods

  • Pressed flower art

  • Preserve memorial flowers

  • Eternal bouquet preservation

Catch ya on the flip side,

Tia Lorraine

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