framed flowers

I hated buying my frames from big box stores, but I wasn’t ready to invest. Then I had two broken frames in a row. I switched to ordering them online for them to only arrive broken. If I was going to continue growing my business, I had to consider the longevity of this art.

Honestly, it’s the same story for a huge chunk of my business. Failing enough, being annoyed enough, to finally step up. It was time to step up with frames in September of last year.

I went to this shop on the edge of downtown Asheville and talked to Jennifer. As a framer, she had never attempted what I envisioned. So we built it with her knowledge, products, and my quick learning.

It has conservation glass, the flowers are glued on acrylic, and the frames have about 1.5in depth. I’ve done one with a 5in depth and it gave me so much freedom with the design, I want to do more.

I have successfully made and shipped many of these frames with my reduce, reuse, plus extra bubblewrap packaging. It was all luck.

Recently one arrived smashed and I had to step it up again. Another thing I can’t get away with if I want to grow.

I have to consider the growth and longevity of this business. I have to protect the future of Golden Preserved and stop saying it’s slow growth when it’s just fear.


preserved flowers


resin, a love letter.